Saturday, August 31, 2019

Medicines and drugs Essay

A drug or medicine is a chemical that alters incoming sensory sensations, mood or emotions, or physiological state. Painkillers, hallucinogens and alcohols are examples of drugs and medicines that alter incoming sensory sensations. Prozac and alcohol alter mood or emotions Steroids, cigarettes and heart medicines alter physiological state, including consciousness, activity level or coordination. Drugs such as antiseptics, antibiotics and antivirals are infection fighters; hormones and vitamins affect body chemistry or metabolism; stimulants, depressants, analgesics and anesthetics affect the central nervous system and the brain. It is also important to understand that the human body has great natural healing processes; some drugs just increase the rate of natural healing. Also, there could be a placebo effect, it is when a pharmacologically inert substance that make seems to help because the person taking the substance was told that it would work. Placebo effect is examined by giving sugar pills to one group of tests patients, and real drugs to another group (when they are not aware of which they receive). B.1.2: Outline the stages involved in research, development and testing of new pharmaceutical products. This takes a very long time and costs a fortune, and is often controlled by the government. Before drugs are tested on humans, they must be testing on various animals (start with small animals and then go to bigger ones). The range of effective doses, the doses in which side-effects arise and the lethal doses have to be determined. There are 3 phases then; clinical trial; clinical evaluation (more in depth analysis); human studies with more evaluation, Very few drugs make it to the market, and the development would have cost a lot. Sometimes, things can still go wrong, like Thalidomide. It was given to pregnant women to treat morning sickness, but it cause deformities in babies! Now it is still used, but to treat skin sores. B.1.3. Describe the different methods of administering drugs * Oral: Very convenient. However, it might not be reliable as the rate of absorption depends on drug concentration, stomach content and pH value. As most is absorbed in the small intestines, so the drug must survive the gastric acid. Therefore it often lays in time release capsules. * Rectal: Good when drug cannot be taken orally due to vomiting or because the drug is pH sensitive. * Inhalation: Rapid, as there are loads of blood vessels in the lungs, and therefore a drug would have a reliable effect. Good for general anaesthesia, and asthma medicine. * Parental o Just below the skin; slower than for intravenous. Used often for dental injections o Into muscles; for large doses, or when immediate response is not needed (vaccines etc). o Intravenous; almost instantaneous, but cannot be undone when injected! Fatty lipids may bind some kinds of drugs, so the drugs won’t leave the body so fast The half life of a drug is the time for half the dose in the body to be eliminated. B.1.4. Discuss the terms lethal dosage (LD50), tolerance and side effects. LD50 is the lethal dose for 50% of the population; and it varies a lot from drug to drug. When one is tolerant, then one has to take a larger dose in order to feel the wanted effects. Some people after often use of a drug becomes dependant on it; physically (they must have it to be able to function physically) or psychologically (they must have it to feel right). Tolerance doesn’t necessarily mean that one gets used to the harmful effects. Sometimes it is hard to know the difference between main effect and side effect. A drug has many effects, and some patients benefit from a few of those effects; then those are the main effects, and all the other are side effects. Someone else, with another disease may benefit from other effects, and then those become the main effects. There are always harmful effects too. The risk : benefit ratio should also be considered. B.2.1. State and explain how excess acidity in the stomach can be reduced by the use of different bases. Bases, most often metal oxides, hydroxides, carbonates or hydrogen carbonates are used as antacids. These react with acid in the stomach to adjust the pH value. The purpose of gastric acid is to kill off bacteria, and help in digestion. However, over-eating or stress stimulates more production of acid, causing discomfort. The active ingredients tend to be; this react only with HCl: Magnesium Oxide: Magnesium Hydroxide: Aluminium Hydroxide: Calcium Carbonate: Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate: Magnesium Trisilicate: Some of the products; Carbon dioxide is a gas. So a foaming agent has to be added to prohibit excessive belching. Also alginates are used, to prevent acid reflux. If too much antacid is used, the stomach becomes too basic, and that hurts too; then more antacid might be wrongly taken. This leads to alkalosis. B.3.2. Describe the use of derivatives of salicylic acid as mild analgesics and compare the advantages and disadvantages of using aspirin and paracetamol (acetaminophen) Salicylic acid is used as an anti-pyretic (fever reducer) and mild analgesic (painkiller), but it is a strong acid and hurts the stomach and mouth; so variations of salicylic acid was used. One is Acetyl Salicylic Acid (ASA) or Aspirin, which has the benefits of salicylic acid and does not irritate so much due to the acetyl group. When ASA reacts with water, it becomes salicylic acid, and the by-product of ethanoic acid. GOOD: It is good for killing minor pain, reducing fever, acting as an anti-inflammatory agent and prevents abnormal blood clot. BAD: Upsets stomach and bleeding; allergy; accidental poisoning in infants and Reye’s syndrome. Acetaminophen is also an anti-pyretic and analgesic. However it does not upset the stomach and is safe. However, overdose can still occur and lead to liver and brain damage. And it is not anti-inflammatory. Ibuprofen is like aspirin and cause fewer stomach problems. It is anti-inflammatory and is very safe. B.3.3. Compare the structures of morphine, codeine and the semi-synthetic opiate heroin. These are strong analgesics and are often called opiates, narcotics or narcotic analgesics. The major pain relieving substance originates from the opium poppy plant is sleep inducing and pain relieving. All three share the same skeleton. Remember the group C2H3O2 is called an acetyl group. B.3.4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using morphine and its derivatives as strong analgesics. These affects: The Central Nervous System, the Eye and the Gastrointestinal tract (the digestive system) They are used as: Strong analgesics (severe pain from injury and chronic diseases); treatment of diarrhoea, relieve coughing. However they are very addictive and are rather replaced with something else. They also produce mood changes, drowsiness and mental clouding. Tolerance can arise by adaptation of the liver and neurons in the brain. Some people can’t function without the drug, feeling restlessness, sweating, fever, chills, vomiting, aches etc due to abstinence of the drug. There is often severe psychological dependence too (one might feel extremely depressed).’à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Short term effects: Sedation, stupor, pain relief, euphoria, reduced tension, worry, couching reflex. One might die of overdose. Long term effects: Loss of appetite, sterility, withdrawal illness, crime, diversion of energy. B.4.1. Describe the effects of depressants Tranquilizers, sedatives and hypnotics, which calm and relax; they slow down heart rate and breathing. Tranquilizers include alcohol, Valium and Librium and are weaker than the others. These relieve anxiety and tension. Sedatives: Barbituates that soothe distress without producing much sleep in small doses. Hypnotics: Like chloral hydrate. These induce sleep. Too much can lead to coma or teach. B.4.2. Discuss the social and physiological effects of the use and abuse of ethanol. Social effects: Major costs from alcohol are from sickness and death, as in hospital treatments and lost efficiency. Property crimes and crimes against people; drinking while driving. Physiological effects: Harmful to relationships, and may physically or emotionally harm others. One may lose control and develop dependence and tolerance. It increases blood pressure when drinking and nausea, sweating and anxiety as withdrawal of use. Short-term effects: CNS depressant reduces tension. It triggers Euphoria, Talkativeness, Dilation of blood vessels, Violent behaviours, Inertia, Coma, Death. Long term effects: Cirrhosis, liver cancer, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes, gastritis, low birth mass etc. Alcohol can be used for antiseptics such as mouthwashes. B.4.3. Describe and explain the techniques used for the detection of ethanol in the breath of in the blood or urine. Ethanol passes from the stomach into the blood and therefore it passes into the lungs and ethanol vapour is formed. The breathalyser test might involve a redox equation with potassium dichromate: as oxidizing agent. Color change: Red-Orange to Green The gas liquid chromatography works as follows: Small samples of gases and volatile liquids such ethanol are separated. These are pushed through a column using an unimportant gas, such as Nitrogen gas and different gases take different time to come to the detector, where concentration of gases are measured. Intoxilyzer, Infra-red spectroscopy: Infra-red energy make molecules vibrate. Different types of bonds absorb and vibrate at different infer-red frequencies. By measuring how much energy is not absorbed by the molecules, one can find the number of certain bonds in the molecules. B.4.4. Describe the synergistic effects of ethanol with other drugs. Alcohol is easily absorbed in the stomach, so drugs that can be dissolved in alcohol will be absorbed much quicker, and the dosage will seem higher as in normal conditions the liver removes a part of the drug. So performance of the drug is enhanced and may lead to devastating effects such as death, especially if alcohol is combined with barbituates. Alcohol with aspirin increases the risk of stomach bleeding. B.4.5 . List other commonly used depressants and describe their structures. Valium (diazepam) is a tranquilizer, Mogadon (Nitrazepam) is a hypnotic drug (used to control seizures and infantile spasms), Prozac (hydrochloride) is an anti-depressant drug used to treat mental depression. Diazepam and Nitrazepam have similar carbon skeletons meanwhile Prozac is different. B.5.1. List the physiological effects of stimulants. Stimulants are chemicals that stimulate the brain and the central nervous system. It is the opposite of a depressant. These increase alertness. Examples are amphetamine, nicotine and caffeine. B.5.2. Compare amphetamines and adrenaline They both derive from the phenylethylamine structure, and therefore look similar. Furthermore, amphetamines mimic the effects of adrenaline (they are sympathomimetic drugs), as they constrict arteries and thus increases sweat production. They increase heart rate, blood pressure, respiration and insomnia. Medical uses: Treat mild depression, narcolepsy and asthma. They use up the body’s reserve energy and can lead to a collapse. B.5.3 Discuss the short- and long-term effects of nicotine consumption. Tobacco is a source of nicotine which is a mild stimulant with a short lived effect. The response is followed by depression and thereby makes one pushed to use it more often. Short-term: Increase in heart-rate and blood pressure. It constricts blood vessels and therefore strains the heart. Nicotine also reduces urine output. Long term effects of nicotine: It stresses hard and may lead to heart diseases and blood clot; May lead to increase of fatty acids in the blood. Smoking leads to more carbon monoxide in the blood making the blood less able to carry blood. It also increases the gastric acid production and may lead to ulcer. Smoking causes: Cancer in lungs and mouth; heart and blood vessel disease; breathing difficulties and chronic bronchitis; air pollution; fires; bad teeth; insomnia. B.5.4. Describe the effects of caffeine and compare its structure with that of nicotine. Caffeine stimulates the respiratory system (more energy is available from respiration), so heart and brain gets more energy. So one becomes more alert, motivated and well-being. In small amounts in is rather harmless, but too much causes insomnia. One gets more urine as well. Caffeine leads to some tolerance but no physical addiction. It can be given to babies to help their breathing. It also constricts blood vessels and therefore helps against migraines. Both caffeine and nicotine contain a tertiary amine group. Caffeine has more of those though. B.6.1. Describe the historical development of penicillins. In 1928, Fleming accidentally saw that some types of fungi killed off a certain bacterium and started to try to isolate the fungi, but it was too hard to purify it. In 1940, Floray and Chain continued with penicillin testing and development, and in 1943 it was available clinically. The first penicillin was Penicillin G. However it was deactivated by stomach acid so it had to be injected. Acid resistance penicillins such as penicillin V was developed by modifying the side chains of the basic penicillin structure. Some bacteria could deactivate penicillin G by synthesising an enzyme, therefore one had to make other synthetic penicillins. 6-APA penicillin is inert, but an extra amino group H2N would activate it. B.6.2. Compare broad spectrum and narrow spectrum antibiotics A broad spectrum antibiotics is effective against a wide variety of bacteria. Examples are tetracyclines. Narrow ones are effective only against certain types of bacteria; most penicillins are narrow spectrum antibiotics. One often has to determine the bacterium before getting antibiotics, because a broad-spectrum one can kill beneficial bacteria and give discomfort. B.6.3. Explain how penicillins work and discuss the effects of modifying the side chain. The cell walls of some bacteria are composed of polysaccharides, and these layers are supported by cross-links. However, penicillins interfere with the formation of these links and therefore weaken the structure. The bacteria can easily burst. Animals cells don’t have these cell walls and are therefore not affected. It is important to modify the side chain to work against bacteria have evolved and are able to break down certain types of penicillin. Side chains are also added to make the penicillin work (as for the 6-APA) and to survive the gastric acid (Penicillin G) B.6.4. Discuss and explain the effect over prescription of penicillins has, and the use of penicillins in animal feedstock Repeated use may lead to allergic reactions. They can also wipe out harmless and beneficial bacteria in the food canal, and harmful bacteria might eventually replace these. Bacteria can become resistant against certain antibiotics and then pass on their immunity. In feedstock: They are used to kill dangerous pathogens which may otherwise endanger humans and animals. They are also used to increase productivity. However, this increases the chances that bacteria might become resistant. B.7.1. State how viruses differ from bacteria Bacteria are relatively large single cell microorganism with DNA strands. Viruses are noncellular and are much smaller and are not living. They can only reproduce within a host cell. B.7.2. Describe the different ways in which antiviral drugs work * Block the transfer of genetic information * Control by inoculation, vaccines. * Block the enzyme activity in a host cell, so that the virus can’t use it to replicate. B.7.3. Discuss the difficulties associated with solving the AIDS problem HIV molecules bind to proteins on T-type of white blood cells and hinder them from fighting infections by inactivating them. HIV virus is good at mutating and together with their similarities with human cells, it is very heard to treat with antiviral drugs and vaccines. B.8.1. Describe the importance of geometrical isomerism in drug action. Stereoisomers are isomers with the same molecular formula and the same structural formula, but different arrangement of atoms in space. Geoemetric isomers have different physical properties such as polarity, boiling point, and solubility etc. They may also undergo different t chemical reactions although their functional groups are identical. For example cisplatin is en effective anti-cancer drug (as it may enter the nucleus of a cancerous cell), but the trans-isomers is inactive in such purposes. B.8.2. Discuss the importance of chirality in drug action. Optical isomers differ from geometric isomers in two ways: * Optical isomers are chiral (asymmetric) * Optical isomers are non-superimposable mirror images of each other One optical isomer rotates the plane polarized light one direction, meanwhile its other isomer rotates it the other way. An equi-molar mixture of two enantiomers means a 50-50 ration and will not totate the plane of polarised light at all; this is a racemic mixture. Penicillin V is active, but its enantiomer is inactive. One enantiomer of Thalidomide could be used to treat morning sickness in pregnant women and was marketed as a racemix mixture, but its other enantiomer gave foetal deformities. B.8.3. Describe the use of chiral auxiliaries to form the desired enantiomer. It is very heard to separate racemic mixtures into separate enantiomers, as they have identical chemical properties in relation to non-chiral reagents. Instead, scientists use stereospecific synthesis to produce only one kind of enantiomer. Chiral auxiliaries are used to convert non-chiral molecules into a desired enantiomer by attching itself chemically to the non-chiral molecule so that only one type of enantiomer can be formed. After the procedure the auxiliary can be recycled. This is used when synthesising Taxol which isa drug effective against breast cancer. B.8.4. Explain the use of combinatorial chemistry to synthesise new drugs. This is when one creates lots of molecules and test them quickly for biological properties; one starts with a set of basic chemicals which are then combined in all possible combinations, and this allows a fast production of many different molecules, increasing the chance of finding better drugs. A library is a collection of compounds that are screened to determine their usefulness as a drug, using parallel synthesis (identical processes with many different molecules at the same time). B.9.1. Compare local and general anaesthetics in terms of their modes of action Local anaesthetics block the pain in specific areas when they are injected under the skin or used as a crà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½me. Examples are cocaine, procaine, benzococaine, lidocaine etc. These block local nerve transmissions and decrease blood supply to that area. Procaine and lidocaine do not affect the brain, meanwhile cocaine does. General anaesthetics affect the brain and produce unconsciousness. But it is easy to reverse the unconsciousness. Examples are nitrous oxide, diethyl ether, chloroform, cyclopropane and halothane. B.9.2. Compare the structures and effects of cocaine, procaine and lidocaine. All three have the benzene ring and the tertiary amine. Cocaine also stimulates the central nervous system. It constricts blood vessels which leads to high blood pressure, and can’t be safely used. Although it doesn’t produce withdrawal symptoms and tolerance, it produces a strong psychological addiction. An overdose suppresses heart and respiration. Cocaine has a very short half life as it is metabolized by the liver fast, and is poorly absorbed when taken orally. Procaine gives prolonged relief from pain which is good for surgery and dental procedures. It is non-toxic and non-irritant. Lidocaine is used topically to produce numbness. It is more potent that procaine, but may cause swelling and itching. B.9.3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of nitrous oxide, ethoxyethane, trichloromethane, cyclopropane and halothane. Nitrous oxide is not very potent, and makes one feel good Trichloromethane is nonflammabe, but leads to liver damages. Narrow safety margin Ethoxyethane alleviates the pain in surgery well, but it is very flammable and nonstable. Cyclopropane is a very potent anaesthetics, however it forms explosive mixtures with air and is very flammable. It also causes vomiting and nausea. Halothane is widely used as it is not flammable and one may recover fast from it. It doesn’t irritate the respiratory tract. However, it takes time to become unconscious. It is potentially harmful to the ozone layer as it produces chlorine and bromine free radicals. B.9.4. Calculate the partial pressures of component gases in an anaesthetic mixture The partial pressure ratios of the total pressure equal the molar ratios of different gas molecules. It is important to have enough oxygen in the anaesthetic mixture so that the patient can live. At least 20% oxygen is needed B.10.1 Describe the effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), mescaline, psilocybin and tetrahydrocannabinol. Psychadelic drugs like these alter the mind and produces a change in thought, perception or mood and induce vivid fantasies. Colors seem more brilliant for the user. There are the effects of the mentioned mind altering drugs: LSD: This is a powerful hallucinogen that strongly magnifies perception and may destroy the sense of judgment. No physical addiction, and not very strong psychological dependence. Mescaline: Color hallucinations which last 12 hours. Psilocybin: Similar to LSD, especially at high doses, but at low doses produces relaxation. Shortlasting; 4 hours THC: Milder drug similar to alcohol. At larger doses, changes in perception occurs – sees bright colors and gets sharper hearing. May get extreme anxiety, depression, uneasiness, panic attacks etc. There is no tolerance, but could lead to psychological dependence. B.10.2 Discuss the structural similarities and differences between LSD, mescaline and psilocybin. LSD and psilocybin both have the Indole ring (Heterocyclic amine compound where the nitrogen atom is part of a ring). However, mescaline includes the benzene ring but not the indole ring; it does have a primary amine. Serotonin also has the indole ring. B.10.3 Discuss the arguments for and against the legalization of cannabis. Cannabis offers relief from symptoms from AIDS, cancer and glaucoma. Marijuana may increase the appetite, and relieves nausea. Cannabis helps terminally ill patients to relieve tension and anxiety. Marijuana relieves pressure inside the eyeball for glaucoma patients. However there are many bad sides to it too. Smoking marijuana may lead to lung problems and may suppress the immune system. It might lead to decreased fertility for men and cause brain damage and birth defects. Users may also start using harder drugs too. Users of prohibited drugs need to obtain it from criminal sources and may therefore be forced into crime to support their habit. It damages the society a lot.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Oedipal Complex in the Tragedy of Hamlet Essay

How might the Oedipal complex factor into the tragedy of Hamlet? Oedipal complex Freud’s theory of stages of development for boys To describe a boy’s feelings of desire for his mother and jealously and anger towards his father Also thought boys felt they were in a completion with their father for possession of his mother His father is looked at as a rival They boy is observing his father in hopes of being like him or even better Those that carry on these feelings into adulthood are considered to have an Oedipus Complex During the Gibson movie Hamlet hates his uncle/step father; Claudius which Freud says is alright. Claudius is now the new king of Denmark We guess Hamlet would have taken the throne eventually if Queen Gertrude had not remarried. It seems like Claudius and Hamlet have built a rivalry and are in a competition for Gertrude. Because Hamlet feels like Claudius has taken his place next to Gertrude. One of the most controversial scenes in the Gibson movie is when Hamlet goes into Gertrude’s bedroom and confronts her about Claudius. He tells her not to have sex with Claudius (jealousy) He’s obsessed with the thought of his mother in bed During this confrontation there is a lot of sexual tension between the two The movie shows them passionately kissing What other comparisons can we draw between Hamlet and Oedipus? Similarities Differences Oedipus earned the trust of his people Oedipus acts on his actions How could one make the argument that the mother figure is the root of all problems in the play? What is the role of King Hamlet’s ghost in the play? How do you know that it is not a figment of Hamlet’s imagination? Why can’t Gertrude see it? Does Hamlet love Ophelia? How does one obtain power in Hamlet? Explain the importance or lack of importance of thinking and action. How do the Id, Ego, and Superego emerge in the play? At what point in the movie do you believe Hamlet crossed â€Å"a line of madness†? Does he come back? When? How is Hamlet being portrayed in the Gibson movie, the other movie, and the play? What other dramatic differences can you identity among the play’s text, the Gibson version, and the third version that you viewed? The biggest difference between the play and the Gibson version is that Fortinbus isn’t mentioned.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Bill Proposal

This bill will require all police stations to make sure all of thee r officers take a est. every year over information learned at police academy, including civil right TTS, state and local laws, incident reporting, crime investigation, constitutional law, and criminal p psychology. This bill will also require that if an officer makes below a 75% on the test, they will have to take classes in order to pass the test before they can resume work. This bill will be implemented by the chief police officers of each station in the state.Also, there will be test ad ministration who create the test with the appropriate information listed above from the police academy. Police chiefs will require and make sure that all of their officers take the test and pas s, if they do not test the officers, the station will be fined $5,000 dollars. This bill will need funding for the test administrators. The funds will come from the money made from certain traffic c violations. It will be enforced by the hea d of each police station, they will require for their office errs to take the test and be rectified.The agencies involved in this bill include all of the police SST actions, police academies of the state, and the test administrators. The police stations will be responsible for giving the tests for recertification, and the test administrators will have to word k with the police academies in order to create the yearly tests. The reasoning behind this bill is to reinforce the important information police officers learn during training, so that they are ABA el to perform their job in an accurate manner. This bill will make the actions of police officers MO re trustworthy and reliable due to the fact that their knowledge is up to date and enforced.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Economics - Assignment Example The policy will become costly because the government will be forced to implement the same policy of buying up the surplus of wheat to prevent price from falling. Moreover, the policy 2 is costly than the policy 1 when the government faces a problem in dealing with the excess wheat it bought. The policy is costly because if government opts to purchase the wheat, but it sells it to developing countries at a rock bottom prices. The government can also sell the surplus to farmers by feeding animals or offering it at a reduced price prices to those in need of it, in other countries. However, the policy of paying the farmers the supply price is costly than that of buying the surplus because the price paid to farmers in inevitably higher than the price received from the sale of surplus. 1f) both Policies will produce equal net economic benefit because the cost associated with both policies affect the society directly, and are subtracted from the producer and consumer surplus. From the graph, the net economic benefit is shown by the triangle Q1P1QE. a) In the real world environments, firms are not identical because technology changes continually and diverse firms have different histories. The change in technology will cause the firm to reduce the cost of production, and in turn causes downshift of in each firm’s marginal cost curve. Meanwhile, the short run supply curve that is the total of the firm’s marginal cost curves will shifts downwards. According to Lipsey and Chrystal (2007, 146), the firm’s produces economic profits and output at which price equals marginal cost. In the perfect competition, the marginal cost curve is greater and stiffer than average cost curve. Meanwhile, there will be no new entrants attracted to the industry because the average cost minimizing output is greater. In the short run, the entry of new firms shifts the supply curve to the right. Each firm old and new will cover its total cost by producing at a

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Polymer Organic Light Emitting Diode Materials and Techniques Essay

Polymer Organic Light Emitting Diode Materials and Techniques - Essay Example In the continuously improving and modernizing technological world, one technological discovery is making an important path and giving important contribution in the field of optics. In general, the semi-conducting light-emitting diodes, also referred to as LED, had found vital applications in different technologies through the industrial and modern world. A light-emitting diode can be defined as a semi-conducting diode, which is a form of electronic device that can be considered to maximize the flow of electricity that is flowing through the material and restricting its flow in the other direction such that energy is built up and causes the material to emit light energy. LED can be considered as the general type of diodes that consequently emit light energy. There are different forms of LED (Zheludev 189). A LED can be considered comparatively of more use that other light technology is that it is considered safer on the basis that the main application uses light energy emitting material. This can be attributed to the fact that other forms of light technology through the use of the flow of electric current can be considered more advantageous, often referred to as electroluminescence, which is the basic principle used in LED. Compared to the light technology that uses incandescence, which a process of achieving visible light through electromagnetic radiation (Schubert 1). Due to the said advantage of the technology referred to as LED, the application of the said technology can be considered to continuously increase and improve. In fact the application in technology and other sciences can be considered as widespread. It can be perceived through the different light technologies that are classified as LEDs such as infrared, visible-spectrum, ultraviolet, and white LEDs made from III-V semiconductors. POLED Included in the main types of LEDs is the polymer organic light-emitting diode, referred to as the POLED. The study on POLED can be considered as one of the main area of interest in terms of the types of LEDs. This can be attributed to the fact that the materials used as a semiconductor are organic materials that can conventionally be described for insulation. The application of organic materials for electric purposes can be considered as a relatively new technology since it was only initiated in 1977. The historical discovery of effect of halogen on the electrical conductivity of a polymer paved the way for the continuously growing field of discipline that involves POLEDs (Fung, Lee and Lee 181). Objective of the Study The background information regarding POLED can be considered as one of the reasons that generated the study and attention to the said area in optics. In relation to the increasing assimilated knowledge on the POLED as well as the application and utilization, the study was conducted to be able to present a descriptive and comprehensive presentation of the development of the POLED technology. On the basis of the aim for the public to gain understanding on the application of LED technology, the theory of application is also one of the most important part of the research. Also, the evolution of the POLED tech

Enhancing Employability Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Enhancing Employability - Assignment Example Unlike other industrial sectors that require immense capital to invest in, this sector of business comprises of small businesses, which require less amount of minimum capital in order to invest in. This means that even college student after getting through with their course work are capable of acquiring capital and investing in small businesses. Throughout my entire life, I have always wished to invest in self-employment, since it will allow me to work under my own conditions and rules. I have also wished to create a less formal working condition for fresh graduates. Additionally, I want to invest in a business sector that provides more than better services to the community. In this paper will, therefore, detail my qualifications, analyze my job skills/opportunities verses my skills, and justify my career choice. Methodology In the Business and Administration class students are always divided into small groups comprising of seven students each. Apart from discussions and assignment w orks, the groups are also charged with the task of coming up with available business opportunities they are interested in, at the end of the course. From the discussion groups, students are expected to list all the available business opportunities that are available in the current local and global markets and discuss the requirements required for each job opportunity. From here, each student is also expected to select one of the business opportunities they have described in their group, and justify why he or she is interested in that area of business opportunity. From the business opportunities described in my group, I decided to choose the self-employment opportunities available in the small business management and administration. In order to understand the requirements needed...

Monday, August 26, 2019

Entrepreneurship and small business management Essay

Entrepreneurship and small business management - Essay Example On the other hand, they also observe that such decision-making may just be beneficial to the business operations. One good thing about them is that they play a critical role in global economy. Even so, one should understand that family businesses are managed in different styles especially as pertains to leadership. Their characteristics are largely similar although small variations exist. Such differences are what sum up the total picture that of what constitutes their unique features. Unique Characteristics of Family Business As mentioned above, family business has unique characteristics. According to Bassanini, Breda, Caroli and Reberioux (2013, p. 433), family business are characterized by low job insecurity. Bassanini et al. observe that unlike nonfamily firms, family businesses are not in the habit of laying out workers. Rather than downsize by dismissals, many of them tend to rely on not hiring. They respond to their business operations through this unique way. This does not im ply that family businesses will never lay off workers. In the US, family businesses account for up to 28% in 2007 while Germany has the highest number at 56% (Boom, Van and Reenen 2007, in Bassanini et al. (2013, p. 433). Bassanini et al. observe that many family businesspeople see their firms as future assets for their descendants (p. 434). As a practice, any of them nurture their kids for eventual takeover and management. Some do not follow that path but entrench family members in critical decision-making organs. Probably this explains why many of them are reluctant to lay off their employees. Bassanini et al. also note that many family businesses pay comparatively low or average pay as compared to non-family firms. They offer that one may attribute such differences in wages to the fact that there are differences between family and nonfamily firms. Comparatively, the scholars point out that the wage gap between family and nonfamily gaps is approximately 2.4% (Bassanini et al., 201 3, p. 443). Even so, one should understand that this rate is not fixed as it fluctuates. One can also deduce that the differences between wages in family firms and nonfamily firms vary largely from firms to firm, making the percentage difference a dynamic range. Other scholars observe that family firms tend to follow certain values held dear to them. They note that family businesses thrive on strong commitment to stewardship of the family’s assets amongst others (p. 39). The scholars also observe that as the family shareholder decide on formation of Family Entrepreneur Teams. They also assess the shared vision to be in business together (Cruz, Howorth and Eleanor, 2012, p. 39). This is despite the fact that they are first brought together by shared family values. From this observation, one may deduce that another characteristic of family business is that the success of family business lies on the continued goodwill on the shared values down the lineage. It appears that as muc h as family businesses are characterized by shared values, down along the generation lines, there may be deviations from the shared values. Another characteristic of family teams is that the level of flexibility is usually high (Schjoedt, Monsen, Pearson, and Chrisman, 2012, p. 7). Schjoedt et al. highlight that such a characteristic usually comes from the fact that many team members in family businesses tend to be couples. Being couples, Schjoedt et al. point out that the shared goals and strong relationships usually allow some form of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Emergency Management 670 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Emergency Management 670 - Essay Example However, it is good to know that mitigation and response are two very important aspects of each disaster management plan, due to the fact that they complement and supplement each other (Avery et al., 2008). In this regard, the most important thing to do even while choosing to trade off is by making sure that if one is favored for a specific risk, the other will still be financed even if in only a small portion of the budget for that particular risk. The best way for local government to deal with the situation is by treating each risk individually, and having a budget for each risk. This will allow each risk to be considered in terms of its characteristics and then based on these characteristics; the disaster management team can decide whether it is important for mitigation or response planning. Some risks such as those that are predictable and preventable will be better managed using mitigation planning while those that are less predictable and less preventable will be better managed using response mechanisms. Whether to trade off between response and mitigation should however be considered for each type of risk individually, rather than for the overall risks that face a community (Mueller & Stewart, 2011). This is because each risk is unique and would require a unique risk management method. For the risks that are preventable and predictable, the authorities can choose to use mitigation to manage the risks. On the other hand, for those risks that are not predictable, the best way is to prepare for a comprehensive response. In a nutshell, if each risk of a disaster is considered individually, then it is possible to trade off between mitigation and response for the risk of that disaster. The efficiency of a disaster management plan is dependent on both mitigation planning as well as response planning (Hess & Gotham, 2007). It is therefore not entirely correct to argue that a response plan or a mitigation plan can be ideal for the management of a

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Disability Discrimination & OSHA Laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Disability Discrimination & OSHA Laws - Essay Example This would create an undue hardship for the Postal Service. The Postal Service could also claim that Davis is not qualified for the clerk position. Since she is deaf, Davis cannot answer the phone. That is a major requirement of the job. Under the American Disabilities Act, a disabled American must be qualified for the desired position. In the case of Halsey, as defined before by the American Disabilities Act, he is also disabled. The question becomes how disabled is Halsey? He could fail the vision test for a driver’s license, but still see well enough to service vending machines. Coca-Cola Bottling Company hired him as a vending machine serviceperson. Since they hired him, one assumes he was qualified for the job. The issue then becomes if it would be an undue hardship for Coca-Cola to accommodate Halsey. Coca-Cola is a large corporation, with almost unlimited resources. It would not be an undue hardship to provide transportation for Halsey, or even elect to have Halsey to service the vending machines other employees bring back to the Coca-Cola plant. An accommodation could be reached between the two parties. In the case of Whirlpool, Whirlpool knows of the hazardous condition caused by the conveyor belt above the employees’ work station. The wire mesh guard screen was placed to safeguard employees. The company policy is for the employees cleaning the mesh to stand on the wire frames. Not all of the items can be reached by standing on the wire frames, forcing the employees to stand on the wire mesh. Keller has a few options. Keller can stop doing a job he feels is dangerous. He can stop retrieving objects out of reach of the wire frame, due to the dangerous situation. If Whirlpool knows the job cannot be preformed without going on the wire mesh, other safety measures should be put into place. If Whirlpool demands Keller to do the job or else, Keller can call OSHA and become a whistleblower.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Figurative Language versus Literal Language Essay - 2

Figurative Language versus Literal Language - Essay Example The American language is a living, breathing, and ever evolving language. As such, it is composed of words, phrases, and sentences that find their origins in the most ancient of historical times with its meaning evolving over the years as people use the word for various purposes and to invoke various meanings.There can be figurative uses for the word, or even literal uses which manage to change the context of the word regardless of the word etymology. This paper will look into the etymology and meaning of 10 of the most popular words used in the American English language. The discussion will be started off by looking into the history and meaning of the word Idiom. The word Idiom first came into play in 1580 and was meant to connote a "form of speech peculiar to a people or place â€Å". Although Latin in origin from the word â€Å"idioma†, the modern form of the word actually comes from the French original idiome. (Online Etymology Dictionary) Idioma therefore describes a a l anguage, dialect, or style of speaking that is unique to a particular set of people. It's actual definition is that of a noun that â€Å"an expression whose meaning is not predictable from the usual meaning of its constituents† ( Idioms are therefore cultural in nature (Garland, â€Å"Oh Idioms: Overused, Amusing, and Often Confusing) and should not be confused wih the figurative metaphors that uses an image for comparison purposes, it is also not a simile or a hyperbole. (Garland, â€Å"Oh Idioms: Overused, Amusing, and Often Confusing).... (Online Etymology Dictionary). It is often confused with the word analysis is the word that is used to describe the process of comparing two things. An example of the use of the word Analogy is â€Å"The analogy between the heart and a pump†. ( Now we come to the word Metaphor which is a â€Å"figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance† ( The origin of the word dates back to the 1530's from the Latin word Metaphora which meant â€Å"a transfer†, specially of one word to a different word ( A sample of a metaphor is â€Å"Our fortress is God†. Therefore a metaphor cannot be confused with a simile. A Simile on the other hand is a â€Å"figure of speech where two unlike things are compared†. It is the opposite of a metaphor and dates back to 1393 when the word simile was first used to describe like things. An exam ple of a metaphor would be â€Å"She is like a rose.† Now a Cliche, is a â€Å"trite, stereotyoed expression that usually expresses a popular or common thought of idea that has lost originality due to overuse.† ( An example of a cliche would be â€Å"strong as an ox†. It is most often confused with the word stereotype. An Amphiboly is â€Å"an ambuguity of speech, especially from uncertainty of the grammatical construction rather than that of the meaning of the words†. It seems to describe nonsensical sentences such as â€Å"The Duke yet lives that Harry shall depose†. ( In our modern era of speech, new words have been coined to describe the actions of people over the internet. One such word is Flame Word

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Corporate Strategy Analysis Discussion Summary Essay Example for Free

Corporate Strategy Analysis Discussion Summary Essay â€Å"Corporate strategy identifies the set of businesses, markets, or industries in which the organization competes and the distribution of resources among those businesses† (Bateman Snell, 2011). There are four basic alternatives for corporate strategy. These strategies include concentration, vertical integration, concentric diversification and conglomerate diversification. Every company has their type of corporate strategy that they follow to include Coca-Cola, Xerox, Southwest Airlines, and VF. In 2004 Coca-Colas CEO Neville Isdell agrees to come out of retirement and becomes cokes new chief executive. Coca-Cola’s worse drop in sales at 24% resulted in the return of Neville Isdell (Foust, 2014). With the return of Neville, Coca-Cola agreed to use a corporate strategy of their own (vertical integration) when they bought Glaceau’s vitamin water. Coca-Cola also came out with their coffee cola (Coke Blak) and their green tea (Envigo). The decision to purchase vitamin water was vital to the increase of Coca-Cola’s sales and bring them back into competition with PepsiCo. Coca-Cola is using an aggressive strategy to expand globally with their carbonated and non-carbonated drinks. To this day Coca-Cola is still expanding with their products such as Fuze and Gold Peak tea. Anne Mulcahy began the transformation of Xerox by following a concentrated strategy by focusing on a single industry. She pursed concentrated strategy by first reducing Xerox nearly $18 billion in debt. She accomplished this by cutting billions of dollars through slashing of jobs and selling off divisions. Anne Mulcahy then evaluated alternatives by pouring resources into a consulting division; this made the company more accessible for potential clients and customers. She developed a new business strategic plan, although a risky choice helped the organization seize new opportunities or thwart challenges. She also closed the desk top printers division and moved away from expensive consumer  printers with functions nobody wanted. Xerox took new technology and moved into colored digital printing and started developing high end color commercial printers. Xerox made this decision because the profit margin of color pages was five times that of black and white copies. Xerox used the strategy of concentric diversification by moving into a new business that was related to the companys core business. Xerox then purchased office Services Company and Image Services for 1.5 billion dollars to demonstrate its new marketable high end color digital printers and copier services. References Bateman,T.S., Snell, S.A. (2011). Management:Leading collaborating in a competitive world (9th ed.). New York,NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Foust, D. (2014). Gone Flat. Retrieved from

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

American History Essay Example for Free

American History Essay â€Å"The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil† was a wise phase once uttered by Hannah Arendt. I love this quote because is perfectly describes the two boys from â€Å"American History X,† Danny and Derek. These two boys have seen and done it all when it comes to hate groups, as both were members of a neo-nazi hate group. Neo- Nazi hate groups use authoritarian, scapegoat, normative, and exploitation theories to justify their hate, discrimination, and torture of anyone who isnt a part of the â€Å"supreme race,† or white. Boy Danny and Derek end up in this life from an early age. Parents are one of the biggest, if not the biggest influence on a childs life. When Danny and Derek were both relatively young they looked up to their father, thought of him as the â€Å"ideal† man. However their father was a racist, influencing almost every thought the boys had. At family dinner when talking about about a black school teacher their father said, â€Å"Its nigger bullshit,† and warned Derek not to buy into the equality teachings. Because Danny and Derek both looked up to their dad so much, this would be and example of the exploitation theory. Exploitation theory is when one societal group, in this case whites, use hostility to keep their position and power intact. This really come into play after Danny and Dereks father was murdered and Derek believes it was a race related killing. Right after their father died, Derek joined a neo-nazi hate group known as the DOC(Disciples of Christ). Being extreme believers in the white supremacy movement, the DOC acted out with violence and extreme hatred toward any other race, especially blacks. Derek, being a high ranking member, murdered 2 black men for the cause. He served three years for the murders, which impacted his whole family tremendously. At the beginning of Dereks sentence he did not want any visitors, claiming it would be to hard to see his family. He made friends with other neo-nazi members in prison, but soon started realizing that they were not serious about the cause like he was. He also started becoming friends with his black work partner who said, â€Å"I aint the nigger in here, you are† Derek started realizing that white supremacy what basically just a scapegoat. Meaning that the followers of the movement were just trying to find someone to blame for their problems, which in this case happened to be  the blacks. After befriending his black work mate he realized that blacks are human too. Once he could recognize blacks as human he finally felt guilt for killing to people, not niggers, people. Derek was determined to help his brother and family by getting them out of the gangs and hate. One of the biggest influences on Derek while in jail was his principal from high school. He was a black man with experience in dealing with â€Å"troubled youth.† He gave Derek the push he needed by saying, â€Å"Has anything youve done made your life better?†. Later Derek told Danny, â€Å"Its just because I was pissed off†. I think this was Dereks way of responding to his principal, he really didnt believe in the cause it was more of just an outlet for his anger that his father would have approved of. While Derek is locked up.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Privacy Issues in Electronic Media

Privacy Issues in Electronic Media The beginning of the 21st century was dominated by extraordinary development of electronic media. Electronic Media encompasses all aspects of digital video production for traditional broadcast and cable television, as well as for distribution formats such as CD, DVD and the Internet (Kutztown, No Date). Electronic medias are used in all over the world. At once electronic medias’ were luxury items but in the modern world everyone use electronic medias. Privacy means someone may want to keep some aspect of his life or behavior private simply because it would be embarrassing for other people to know about it (James, R. , 1975) The term of privacy is used in every scenario as well as in political, defense, legal and media. Privacy is important for many things in day to day life. People have to face consequence due to hot having privacy. Man can be debilitated due to not having any restrictions on the public access. When considering about the privacy of electronic media communication every service provider or company must have their own messaging policies. If the company not follow the guidelines of the electronic media communication policy the transmitted data may be at a risk. Electronic communication channels are more secured with the newest technologies, but someone use this technologies itself to listen the electronic talks. Some developed states use government acts to protect the privacy of the people, as an example the subscriber of the cable television protected from unauthorized use of personal information gathering by the cable operations. Most of the countries prohibited the security cameras placed in private areas The places obliviously Inside the ATMs, office breach rooms and locker rooms are the prohibited places to use hidden cameras. More than thirty countries absolutely prohibited unauthorized filming by using hidden cameras without preference of the persons. Truthfulness and accuracy is one of the common code of electronic medias’ ethics and the reporters of the electronic medias are expected to report accurate and correct news to the public. Incorrect content may create misunderstandings and security problems, thus causing many problems after the publishing A speak falsely about someone or damaging the person reputation it called as slander A variety of modern technologies available to tracking appropriate use of electronic communication devices however, the companies must review information that they going to publish and also Content of information provided by the reporters must be fair. Details of suspects and plaintiffs are published in electronic media daily which is not ethical. If the plaintiff or the suspect found innocent after investigation it is very difficult to change the attitude of the society. New regulations shall be implemented to restrict these information published before investigations are completed. Imitating characters of popular persons in films has an ethical issue. These imitations shall be minimized or characters shall be re structured so that real character will not be highlighted. News reporters be careful about the individuals privacy when given publicity for the news. When publishing news concerning suicide and attempted suicide particularly consider about the feelings and relatives of the peoples. And also report possible considerations for victims of murder or accident. The news reporters do not emphasize the nationality religion or gender in the case of persons. Some of the local television channels broadcasting violence scenes with the movies and TV dramas. This is a grate negative effect on young people, young people try to react as same in the home. During the north and east war many brutal incidents were directly brought to the living rooms through the electronic media. These aggressive scenes may loose the peaceful mentality of people. In many electronic media telecast action films and war films are being telecasted and many of the children are addicted to these films. This is harmful to the mental health of children. This will cause social and emotional problem that will lead into adulthood. Photography is a language of visual understanding of the people Images and videos can catch the grate truths of the peoples places and much more. Public electronic media such as television and radio shall not be used for racism. Electronic media has a responsibility to give true news to the country, but as a professional media the news which published shall not create any racism among people of different races. And also these news shall not violate the rights of all races who live in Sri Lanka. Public media is treated as a professional business . And also this electronic media has a capacity of changing the attitudes and beliefs of people. Professional electronic media has a responsibility by the society. All the electronic medias have a competition among each other media. But the professional qualities of any media shall not be neglected. When international games are played specially foot ball and cricket, Many officials are used to watch the Television. Owing to this situation many works in the offices are delayed. This practice cannot be stopped but as a solution executive officers can implement a system for officers to watch the television during the lunch time only. This will enable to minimize the negligence of the work at office. Using the office telephones during working hours for personal matters is another expenditure and this practice must be limited. Electronic Media Law and Regulation is an overview of the major legal and regulatory issues facing broadcasting, cable, and developing media. It enables current and prospective electronic media professionals to easily understand the complex and intimidating realm of law and regulation by presenting information from major cases, rules, regulations, and legal documents in a concise and readable manner ) The cable TV industry had faced many legal issues including customer service complains programming and rate regulations and lack of competition. CableTelevisionConsumer ProtectionandCompetitionActof1992 was introduced in America. According to this law requires cablesystemstocarrymostlocalbroadcastchannelsandprohibitedcableoperatorsfromcharginglocalbroadcasterstocarrytheirsignal. In 1990 Federal communication commission (FCC) introduced elimination time guideline for the children television programs (Electronic Media and Regulations,2013). But this time guideline was applied by the ACT (Action For Children Television) and the court appeals remanded to the FCC. According to that act restrict the advertising during the children programs and encourage the broadcasters to telecast educational and informational programs at least 3 hours per week. References Creech,K.C.,2013, Electronic Media And Regulation, Laws Of Children TV Programs,[online]Availableat: [Accessed 26 October 2014]. Electronic Media Kutztown University . 2014. Electronic Media Kutztown University[ONLINE]Availablat: [Accessed 07 November 2014]. James, R., 1975. Why Privacy is Important. Philosophy Public Affairs, 4(4), pp.323-333

The World Of Hair :: essays research papers

In The World of Hair Throughout time, the world of hair, and now the well-known field of cosmetology have raisin and fell. I can remember the time when black women were wearing Afros and Caucasian women short cuts and now things have evolving into all these long flowing hairstyles and not to mention the current health these days on our hair. Seems like the days on juices and berries were hairs happiest time. Now going thur how we manage our hair is tricky but here are some great ways of staying on top of every strand. Knowing that mornings or the worst time for all of us here is the rule to keeping a well-groomed and healthy crop on hair. If you have short hair of any type than this is the beast stagy for it, a good shower wash before you start that steamy shower. And wash twice to insure that there will be no oil build up because old can slow a hairstyle down or even stop a style right in its tracks. Next you would want to apply and good protein based conditioner such as, cholesterol and allow it to remain on the hair form root to tip of the duration of your shower and when you rinse than your hair rinses this method saves time and work. Now that your hair is all-clean and you need and quick method of drying it; and before we get the drying part lets stop and think bout how we want to where our hair, now seeing as we have a short bobbed length with about 8 inches of hair to work with we need to apply a styling aid and that would be in the form of a lotion or cream. I prefer the lotion myself, so apply the setting lotion to the hair this will act as a fixative that will lock the style in place. Next we are ready to blow with a handheld blow dryer; this process will take twenty to twenty-five min. After blowing the hair dry we are ready to style the hair. Now that we have decided that we want some bounce and curl in our hair for the day here is how we will get the results needed for a day at the office and an evening on the town. You will need a medium to large curling iron (a heat motivated instrument) and a light styling spray.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Herman Melville: The Great American Writer :: Biography Biographies Essays

Herman Melville: The Great American Writer Everyone has heard of the novel Moby Dick at some point in their educational career, yet few know much about the life of its author. Herman Melville , the author of Moby Dick had an interesting life. Throughout his life he had many ups and downs. He was born on August 1, 1819 to a wealthy family that owned their own export business. This privileged life was short lived when Allen Melville, Herman's father, died in 1832. This was two years after the family business had gone under. Through this early example of a high and low in Melville's life you can see that his roller coaster like life was just beginning. In his writing you can see the three different stages that he had in his life. There are three stages to Herman Melville's life they are adventuresome young writer, mildly popular author, and finally a depressed old man who changed his entire style of writing. (Columbia 1, Padilla 1-2) Melville's first novels come from his imagination and were inspired by trips that he took across the sea as a young man.Melville had a stint on a boat headed to Liverpool from New York in 1839, yet only spent one summer on it because he had to come home and help his family out with their monetary situation.Finally in 1841, Melville found his way back to adventure and sailing.He headed out to the South Seas on the Acushnet.On this voyage it is said that Melville and one of his shipmates abandoned ship and were held by a group of cannibals in the French Polynesia.This experience led him to write his first novel that was not published until 1846, Typee.It was named after the Typee people who Melville had supposedly lived with for four months; however, ship records show that he was on another ship only a month after he had supposedly been with the Typee.Melville's next trip that inspired his second novel was on the Lucy Ann, a ship that was sailing to Tahiti.The novel Tahiti and Omoo, wr itten in 1846, 1847 respectively, are about Tahitian jails and revolts against the ship owners in Tahiti.These things never actually happened to Melville although his readers thought that they did.Melville was one of those authors who believed that bending the truth to make a great story was well worth it and his creative right.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis Essay -- Biography Biographies Bio

Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis Jacqueline Lee Bouvier was born on July 28th, 1929 in East Hampton, Long Island. Jacqueline’s mother was Janet Lee Bouvier, a highly ambitious horseback rider. Jacqueline was nicknamed "Jackie" after her father, Jack Bouvier. Young Jackie’s parents were a very well off coupled. Her father had an estimated fortune of 7 million dollars and Janet came from a wealthy family also, her father had been chairman of the board of Chase National Bank. Asides for the Bouviers wealth, the other thing they were most noted for was their beauty, Jack in particular. His slim nose, wide set blue eyes, shiny black hair and muscular build earned him the description as "drippingly handsome". Jack’s cutting edge instincts, swarthiness, and love for beautiful young women earned him the nick name " Black Jack". Janet, who was sixteen years younger than Jack was not as beautiful as he was handsome. Janet did not possess a showgirl prettiness but she was said to have possessed an interesting look. She was petite and had a somewhat animated look to her. Her nose and chin were long and pointed. When Jackie was born it was happily noted that Jackie looked like Jack Bouvier. (Birmingham) Though Janet Lee’s family was well off, they were not members of the esteemed highest social caste as were the Bouviers. Janet lived her life with a constant sense of unease because of this difference in lineage.(Birmingham) Because Black Jack was known for having erratic financial history, James Lee, Janet’s father, offered to allow Janet and Jack to live rent free in a building he owned. This offer came under one condition. Jack would have to cut back on his flamboyant lifestyle. (Heymann) On March 3rd 1933, the Bouvier family was completed by the birth of Jackie’s sister, Lee. When Lee was born, Jackie was no longer the baby of the family.She spent most of her time tending and riding her horse. Jackie also excelled in school. She was so intelligent that she found all her elementary grade work as boring. Janet had once stated that, "Jackie’s intellectual ambition ran ahead of her chronological age." (Heymann) Soon problems began occurring between Black Jack and Janet. Jackie has never spoken about her parent’s marriage issues but they are thought to have arisen because of money. At the time Black Jack was und... ...e style. The low profile lifestyle was very hard to obtain. The press was constantly inquiring if Jackie had any new love interests. Then on October 20th 1968, Jackie married Aristotle Onassis on the Greek island Scorpios. Aristotle was not only her sister’s ex boyfriend, but he was also the richest man in the world. Their relationship was short lived. The couple had different tastes and their relationship had been condemned from the beginning. In march 1975, Aristotle was planning on divorcing Jackie, before he could do so he died. After his death, Jackie became very wealthy. She needed something to occupy herself with so she became an editor with Viking Press. Two years later she moved over to Doubleday Press. In December on 1993, Jackie was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. She was treated for the disease with chemotherapy until May of 1994. In may she declared that she wanted to return to her home to die. On May 19, 1994, at 10:15 a.m., Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis died surrounded by her friends and family. Her funeral took place at St. Ignatious Loyola church, the same church where she was baptized. She was later buried in Arlington cemetery next to John Kennedy.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Clarion Boys Case Essay

One problem in the Clarion School for Boys case is that employees did not have enough training on the system. On the survey taken, most employees responded that they were dissatisfied with the training they had received and most had training of only 1-3 hours. Since there was little training given on the system, the users were uncomfortable using it. It seemed that if they could not figure something out, they would give up and go back to doing it the old way. The bookkeeper commented, â€Å"I have been trying to finish this month’s books for the last two days, but I am having the same problems as last month. The accounts receivable software program is still giving me difficulties. I think I’ll just do them by hand this month.† When the system was first installed, the staff was excited about it but as time passed and there was no learning progression of the system, people became bored with it and stopped using it as much. Another comment made by the education supervisor was, â€Å"There was a lot of initial excitement about e-mail, but I haven’t heard much about it since then. I know I’ve been too busy to lean it myself, and I missed the training sessions because of other meetings.† I personally worked with a company where a new system was implemented and because of the lack of training and tutorials, there were major problems. For months the system was incorrect, causing many hours of overtime as well as many mess ups that had to be corrected. Familiar to this case, there was not a plan of action nor any goals set or a timeline for certain projects to be mastered. There was a lack of training causing the staff to have little confidence in their abilities to work the system. This problem falls under strategic planning. One component of strategic planning is training. Under strategic planning, the employees should be encouraged to be active in the system. They should be encouraged through training programs and help sessions. The team should establish goals and time lines of what they want to have accomplished by a specific date. In this case, there was not a formal plan or measures set. They were not able to judge how they were doing because they did not make a strategic plan to begin. I think this is a minor problem. I think the major problem is that once the system was implemented, there was no enforcement created. It seemed that the users did not want to get out of their comfort zone and learn something new. There was not much communication at the beginning and everyone seemed to be doing their own thing.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Dell: Porter’s 5 Forces Essay

Question 1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers Although there were many suppliers for computer components, â€Å"microprocessors were supplied by only a handful of companies.† Pg.3. Microsoft and Intel monopolized the suppliers market as, â€Å"between 85% and 90% of computers sold conformed to Microsoft/ Intel Standards.†pg.3. With such a high percentage of computers being sold using Microsoft and Intel it would make it very difficult for any new suppliers to take the lead in this market, making the supplier power high. Threat of Substitutes Computers were a hot item in the U.S, being that â€Å"45.5% of household’s owner a computer in 1998, and the figure was expected to rise to 49.5% by 2000.†pg3. A computer was something new into the market, and no other product nearly compared to its capabilities and complexity. Given that the computer was one of its own kind in this time the threat of other substitutes was very low. Bargaining Power of Buyers Dell created a strong and reliable relationship with its customers. â€Å"Over a thousand outside sales reps spent their time in the field, understanding customer needs, courting customer personnel, helping customers configure their information systems, and promoting Dell’s products and services.† Pg6. Although Dell had put a great effort into their customer service, the prices of the product were a key factor in the success of Dell. â€Å"Customers at retail don’t know what they’re looking for, other than price.† Pg.7. As price appears to be the major deciding factor in product choice, the buyer will be most likely to purchase their product based on price rather than quality of the actual product. Threat of New Entrants Within the market of computers, there is not a great amount of product differentiation, with the exception of Dell directly serving its customers. Without much differentiation new entrants could very easily present a new and different business strategy which could surpass leading market shareholders. The threat of new entrants would be high due to the lacking differentiation, but is also considered medium because of the great amount of existing entrants in the market. With IBM, Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, Gateway, Dell, and Apple all entering the computer market within a short period of time, we can conclude that it was relatively easy to enter the market. Although it was easy to enter, it was nearly impossible to differentiate, and produce a business plan to succeed in gaining a competitive advantage to already existing competitors. Competitive Rivalry Competition was very high within the computer market, as all the competitors were finding ways to stay competitive by reducing costs and improving sales efforts. â€Å"HP hoped that the program would allow it to reduce price protection to two weeks, cut down defects, and shave 5%-15% off of its prices.†pg.12 In conclusion, the personal computer industry was a very attractive industry to do business in, as the threat of substitutes was very low, and new entrants is medium/high. This means that it would be easy to enter the market, and there were not any other products that compared to the computer. This makes for a very attractive market to do business in. Question 2 Dell was the first and only competitor in the computer market to deal directly with its customers, giving them strong differentiation therefore making them unique. â€Å"You can’t ignore what Dell has done†¦ I could give you a list of names of really large customers who have said to HP, ‘Either do business with us directly or you are not going to do business with us.’†pg.12 Dell used specific tactics through its use of the Dell’s Direct Model in order to ensure the PC industry was an attractive one that it could compete in. Dell realized in order to be successful in this market they needed to set themselves apart from related companies by possessing a variety of differences from like companies appealing to consumers. Dell took advantage of the gap evident in the computer industry by eliminating the use of middlemen such as retailers and distributors. By eliminating the middleman Dell developed an inventory free system, resulting in saving costs and allowing them to be more competitive in the market. â€Å"[The current production system] requires that the whole organization be integrated. You’ve eliminated buffers. When you have no buffers and you have no inventory, the whole organization has to work together. There is no way to let things pile up, because you have no piles.†

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Fin 516 Quiz 2

1. | Question 😠 (TCO D) Which of the following factors would increase the likelihood that a company would call its outstanding bonds at this time? (a) The yield to maturity on the company's outstanding bonds increases due to a weakening of the firm's financial situation. (b) A provision in the bond indenture lowers the call price on specific dates, and yesterday was one of those dates. (c) The flotation costs associated with issuing new bonds rise. (d) The firm's CFO believes that interest rates are likely to decline in the future. e) The firm's CFO believes that corporate tax rates are likely to be increased in the future. | | | Student Answer:|   | (b) A provision in the bond indenture lowers the call price on specific dates, and yesterday was one of those dates. |   | Instructor Explanation:| Answer is: b Chapter 20, pp. 810 – 815 | | | | Points Received:| 20 of 20 | | Comments:| | | | 2. | Question 😠 (TCO D) The State of Idaho issued $2,000,000 of  seve n percent  coupon, 20-year semiannual payment, tax-exempt bonds  five years ago.The bonds had  five years of call protection, but now the state can call the bonds if it chooses to do so. The call premium would be  five percent  of the face amount. Today 15-year, five percent, semiannual payment bonds can be sold at par, but flotation costs on this issue would be two percent. What is the net present value of the refunding? Because these are tax-exempt bonds, taxes are not relevant. (a) $278,606 (b) $292,536 (c) $307,163 (d) $322,521 (e) $338,647 | | Student Answer:|   | (a) $278,606 Cost of refunding: Call Premium = 5% (2mil) = 100,000 Floatation cost = 2% (2mil) = 40,000 Total investment outlay = 140,000 Interest on old bond = 7%/2(2mil) = 70,000 Interest on new bond = 5%/2(2mil) = 50,000 Savings = 20,000 PV of savings, 30 periods at 5%/2 = 418,606 NPV of refunding = PV of savings – cost of refunding = 278,606 |   | Instructor Explanation:| Answer is: a Chapter 20, pp. 810 – 815 Call premium: 5%  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Old rate: 7% Flotation %: 2%  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   New rate: 5% Amount: $2,000,000  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Years: 15Cost of refunding: Call premium = 5% ($2,000,000)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   $100,000 Flotation cost = 2% ($2,000,000)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   $   40,000 Total investment outlay:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   $140,000 Interest on old bond per 6 months:   Old rate/2 ? Amount =  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   $70,000 Interest on new bond per 6 months:   New rate/2 ? Amount =  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   $50,000 Savings per six months:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   $20,000 PV of savings, 30 periods @ new rate/2 = $418,606 NPV of refunding = PV of savings – Cost of refunding = $278,606    | | | | Points Received:| 20 of 20 | | Comments:| | | 3. | Question 😠 (TCO D) New York Waste (NYW) is considering refunding a $50,000,000, annual payment, 14 percent  coupon, 30-year bond issue that was issued  five years ago. It has been amortizing $3 million of flotation costs on these bonds over their 30-year life. The company could sell a new issue of 25-year bonds at an annual interest rate of 11. 67 percent  in t oday's market. A call premium of 14  percent  would be required to retire the old bonds, and flotation costs on the new issue would amount to $3 million. NYW's marginal tax rate is 40 percent. The new bonds would be issued when the old bonds are called.What will the after-tax annual interest savings for NYW be if the refunding takes place? (a) $664,050 (b) $699,000 (c) $768,900 (d) $845,790 (e) $930,369 | | | Student Answer:|   | (b) $699,000 Old Interest: 50,000,000(. 14)(. 60) = 4,200,000 New Interest: 50,000,000(. 1167)(. 6) = 3,501,000 Difference is 699,000 |   | Instructor Explanation:| Answer is:   b Chapter 20, pp. 810 – 815 Old interest:   $50,000,000(0. 14)(0. 6) =   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  $4,200,000 New interest:   $50,000,000(0. 1167)(0. 6) =   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (3,501,000) Net annual interest savings  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   $699,000    | | | Points Received:| 20 of 20 | | Comments:| | | | 4. | Question 😠 (TCO E) Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Statement #13 requires that for an unqualified audit report, financial (or capital) leases must be included in the balance sheet by reporting the: (a) residual value as a fixed asset. (b) residual value as a liability. (c) present value of future lease payments as an asset and also showing this same amount as an offsetting liability. (d) undiscounted sum of future lease payments as an asset and as an offsetting liability. e) undiscounted sum of future lease payments, less the residual value, as an asset, and as an offsetting liability. | | | Student Answer:|   | (c) present value of future lease payments as an asset and also showing this same amount as an offsetting liability. |   | Instructor Explanation:| Answer is:   c Chapter 18, pp. 738 – 740 | | | | Points Received:| 20 of 20 | | Comments:| | | | 5. | Question 😠 (TCO E) In the lease versus buy decision, leasing is often preferable: (a) because it has no effect on the firm's ability to borrow to make other investments. b) because, generally, no down payment is required, and there are no indirect interest costs. (c) because lease obligations do not affect the firm's risk as seen by investors. (d) because the lessee owns the property at the end of the least term. (e) because the lessee may have greater flexibility in abandoning the project in which the leased property is used than if the lessee bought and owned the asset. | | | Student Answer:|   | (c) because lease obligations do not affect the firm's risk as seen by investors. |   | Instructor Explanation:| Answer is:   e Chapter 18, pp. 740 – 745 | | | | Points Received:| 0 of 20 | | Comments:| | | | | |

The Process Of Modelling Erosion Environmental Sciences Essay

This papers is intended as a literature reappraisal of research on how to pattern the eroding. Erosion is a natural procedure that has become a serious environmental job due to the action of several natural and human factors. For case, deforestation, fires, unequal agricultural patterns or inordinate building of edifices and roads have skyrocketed this phenomenon. Erosion causes transit of deposits to rivers, swamps and lakes, increasing the hazard of deluging when raining. Besides, eroding reduces the capacity of dirts to hive away H2O, and do the loss of foods and organic affair worsening the biodiversity of the part. The engagement of the governments is needed to set up programs to command this phenomenon. 2 Definition of Erosion The word eroding, from Latin, means gnaw off ( Ghanshyam, 2009 ) . Erosion means the remotion of stuff from one topographic point of the Earth ‘s crust to the other by the impact of geological agents ( Krebs, 2003 ) . Erosion is a phenomenon that occurs at really slow rates. For illustration, Patric ( 1976 ) references some illustrations of a general rate of 0.18 to 0.30 dozenss / acre / twelvemonth. Obviously this rate will change depending on many variables on the surface of the Earth. Areas on the Earth surface that is more immune to erosion, such as forest land can supply rates of 0.05 to 0.10 ton / acre / twelvemonth. In contrast, countries with high rates of eroding such as agricultural land may stop up giving rates of 1 to 5 dozenss / acre / twelvemonth. Erosion is a natural procedure linked to the kineticss development of the planet and is a measure within the geological rhythm of the Earth ‘s crust. The geological rhythm which includes eroding is intended to accomplish a mass balance between the highest countries of the planet and the lower countries ( Khan, 2006 ) .3 Erosion within the Geological rhythmThe Earth ‘s crust is subjected to a uninterrupted transmutation ensuing from the action of geological agents, both internal and external, which are the elements that model the Earth surface ( Ramberg, 2008 ) . The Internal geological procedures have their chief beginning in the internal heat of the planet, and they are constructive, they are responsible for the formation of the Earth surface. These geological procedures appear in signifier of slow motions ( orogenic ) or sudden events ( temblors and vents ) , which give manner to the formation of new minerals and stones. External geological procedures are caused by the action of external agents ( air, H2O, air current, snow ) .3.1 Weathering, conveyance and depositWeathering is the procedure of break and decomposition of stones by the action of external agents. Weathering occurs in the topographic point where the stones are, without being transported. When the decomposition takes topographic point in combination with conveyance so is called eroding ( Gifford, 2005 ) . Weathering may be chiefly mechanical ( physical ) or chemical, but in most occasions operate combined. The conditions will be a cardinal factor in the laterality of mechanical or chemical weathering. Mechanical weathering is the physical decomposition of stones due to events such as dilation and alterations in H2O temperature ( Gifford, 2005 ) . This instance is common in hot dry climes where the uninterrupted alterations of temperature contribute to do snap and break in the stones. In cold climes, the H2O freezes in clefts perforating moving as a cuneus, doing the break and atomization of stones. Chemical weathering is the change of the mineral components of stones by the action of atmospheric gases ( O, C dioxide ) and H2O ( Gifford, 2005 ) , which performs procedures such as hydrolysis and hydration. Transport occurs on weather-beaten stuffs, fragmented or dissolved which can be eroded and moved from their topographic point of beginning, by the action of gravitation, which will take them from high to low countries. The chief conveyance agents are H2O overflow ( watercourses, rivers ) , ice ( glaciers ) , air current and sea ( coastal countries ) ( Ghanshyam, 2009 ) . The deposition of the eroded and transported stuff ( fragments of stones, dead beings and chemicals ) consequences in their deposit when it stops the consequence of gravitation and make more stable topographic points. The zones of accretion of deposits are sedimentary basins, which may be inland ( a lake or a river vale ) and ocean, deep sea, which are the most of import. In the instance of comeuppances, deposit occurs when the consequence of air current Michigans.3.2 Wind erodingWind eroding occurs in desert parts ( dry conditions ) , where rainfall and flora are scarce, with a preponderantly mechanical weathering. Wind eroding depends on many factors: conditions forms, dirt conditions, and flora screen ( Shao, and Leslie, 1997 ) . The deposition of stuffs occurs when the air current velocity lessening, ensuing the dunes, which are accretions of sand, which besides appear in coastal countries, as seen in some beaches.3.3 Water erodingSurface H2O ( overflow ) is the chief conveyance agent of alleviation modeling in the Earth ‘s surface. The behavior of surface H2O depends on their speed, which is relative to the incline. The greater is the speed larger the eroding consequence. Therefore, a graduation of the features of surface H2O can be seen from the topographic point of beginning until deposition occurs of the stuffs transported.3.4 Ice erodingGlaciers are accretions of ice, being located in the polar caps and in cragged countries. They originate in topographic points where rainfall is in the signifier of snow, which does non run and accumulates, until it becomes compacted and hardened into ice. The erosive glaciers can be of great importance in some countries of the Earth. In some countries of the planet can go the chief agent eroded go forthing a characteristic landscape. Glacial eroding occurs when immense multitudes of ice traveling easy through gravitation. This phenomenon carries the stuff in its way that act as an scratchy, crunching and smoothing the rock bed on which it travels.3.5 Coastal erodingGeological action of sea H2O plays an of import function in coastal modeling. The eroding occurs when moving ridges impact the stone. The accrued energy of the moving ridges crashing against the drops causes its gradual dislocation. Erosion rate depends on the petrology of the seashore and the moving ridge energy. Materials are so transported by moving ridges and currents and deposited in the signifier of pebbles, crushed rock and sand at the pes of the drop. Lighter atoms are deposited on the ocean floor.3.6 Human erodingHuman activities contribute in a meaningful manner t o the eroding of the dirt, including large-scale agribusiness patterns.Factors that determine the erodingAmong the most of import factors that have a major influence on the control of the eroding is without uncertainty the clime. There are several variables which can be derived from climate, including the most of import, the rain. The kinetic energy of raindrops when they hit the land cause the decomposition of the stuffs and therefore the eroding occurs.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Billie Holiday Biography

African American jazz singer and songwriter. Her singing style, strongly inspired by Jazz musicians, lead too new way of using word choice and rhythm. A critic named John Bush once wrote that Holiday changed the art of American pop vocals forever. She only co-wrote a few songs, but a number of them have become Jazz standards that many musicians strive to live up to. Some of these standards were set by songs of hers such as God Bless he Child, Dont Explain, Fine and Mellow, and Lady Sings the Blues.She also became famous for singing Easy Living, Good Morning Heartache, and Strange Fruit, a protest song which became one of her standards and was made famous with her 1 939 recording. In Harlem she started slang In various night clubs. Holiday Hammond arranged for Holiday to make her recording debut, at age 18, In November 1933 with Benny Goodman, singing two songs: Your Mothers Son-Len-Law and Riffing; the Scotch. The latter being her first big hit.Son-in-Lawn sold 300 records, but Riffle the Scotch, sold 5,000 records. Hammond was very impressed by Holidays visualization style. He said of Holiday that, Her singing almost changed my music tastes and my musical life; because she was the first girl singer Id come across who actually sang like an improvising Jazz genius. Hammond compared Holiday positively to Armstrong and said she had a good sense of lyrics at her young age. In early 1 959 Holiday found out that she had cirrhosis of the liver.The doctor told her to stop drinking, which she did for a short time, but soon returned to heavy drinking. Some of her friends tried to get her to check into a hospital, but she did not go. On May 31, 1959, Holiday was forcibly taken to Metropolitan Hospital in New York suffering from liver and heart disease. She was arrested for having drugs with her as she lay dying, and her hospital room was invaded by the police. Police officers were stationed at the door to her room because of her drugs.Holiday remained under Alice guard at the hospital until she died from pulmonary edema and heart failure caused by cirrhosis of the liver on July 17, 1959. In the final years of her life, she had been gradually tricked out of her earnings because of her drug and alcohol addictions. She died with seventy cents in the bank and seven-hundred fifty dollar tabloid fee. Billie Holiday Biography By Congregant 1 Billie Holiday (born Eleanor Harris (1915-1959) was an African American Jazz singer her 1939 recording.In Harlem she started singing in various night clubs. Holiday took her professional pen name from Billie Dove, an actress she admired, and the musician Clarence Holiday, thus was born Billie Holiday. The producer John Hammond arranged for Holiday to make her recording debut, at age 18, in November Riffing the Scotch. The latter being her first big hit. Son-in-Law sold 300 records, but Riffing the Scotch, sold 5,000 records. Hammond was very impressed by early 1959 Holiday found out that she had cirrhosis of the liver.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Questions And Answers Concerning Theory Assignment

Questions And Answers Concerning Theory - Assignment Example The meaning of the purpose of the study refers to the objective or expected outcome of the study and what the researcher hopes to achieve from conducting the research. A nurse leader can use descriptive statistics as a baseboard by which to form the justification for the proposed course of action. Properly interpreted, descriptive statistics can be very convincing in their portrayal of the efficacy of a proposed solution to a problem or implications of the use of a specific method. Through practice, I have used and experienced the use of descriptive statistics in support of specific evaluative procedures or changes in procedural methods used to treat patients. The interpretation of a well-researched article or series of articles detailing successful application of the procedural methods on patients with the same or similar afflictions can serve as a justification for trial procedures within the institution or demonstrative research to determine if this method would be effective in yo ur facility. Class 1: Question 2 Confidence intervals are used in research to assess the reliability of the results obtained (Confidence Intervals, 1999). The confidence interval is defined as the area within a measurement which determines the precision of the measurement (Confidence Intervals, 1999). However, this measurement performs a higher function than to simply tell the researcher the range of the variables around the estimate (Confidence Intervals, 1999). The confidence interval also tells the researcher how constant the assessment is (Confidence Intervals, 1999). A stable estimate shows stability within the research and the method conducted so that when the research is repeated, the same values would reappear or come relatively close to the values obtained within the model (Confidence Intervals, 1999). If the confidence interval is unstable, concurrent research will produce notable variances and the wider the confidence intervals are in relation to the estimate, the more un stable the research results are, meaning the determinations made within the research findings may be inaccurate as well (Confidence Intervals, 1999). A major controversy surrounding the question of the significance of statistical research versus clinical research is that, in statistical research, the sample selected may not be wholly representative of the population in question (Beyea & Nicoll, 1997). If the sample size does not accurately reflect the nature of the population being analyzed, the data collected can not be relied upon to make relevant inferences regarding the populace in question (Beyea & Nicoll, 1997). If the data collected for analysis within a statistical test, the results of the analysis will be equally flawed (Beyea & Nicoll, 1997). Clinical trials do not rely on statistical data, but on the actual raw data from examination of the elements within the circumstances under question. For this reason, clinical analysis is purported to be more accurate because there is less likelihood that the data will be flawed, although the chance remains that the sample group will not be wholly representative of the populace. I also think clinical trials are more accurate for this reason. Class 2: Question 1: The mid range theory selected was Advancing Technology, Caring, and Nursing, which was

Monday, August 12, 2019

An analysis of the movie Somewhere between Essay

An analysis of the movie Somewhere between - Essay Example An analysis of the movie "Somewhere between" Jenni is 14 years old and she lives in Berkeley California. She was adopted at age five she speaks mandarin she knows she’s a stranger to either country. Jenna cook is 15 years old lives in Massachusetts, Newburyport. She is an over achiever and a top student at an academy in New Hampshire. Butler is 13 years old, she lives in Tennessee Nashville and she has the ambition to be the first Chinese person to play in the grand ‘ole opry’. Ann Boccuti is 14 years of age and she lives in Pennsylvania, Lansdale. The girls are highly articulate, personable and self-aware as they know they belong to two adversely different cultures. The young women allow the viewers to grasp the experience of coming of age in America as trans-racial adoptees. Through these young women experiences and their exploration the viewers are able to consider themselves as individuals and as a nation of immigrant. The films structure weaves back and forth between the girls individual threads making it hard for the viewers to distinct and separate their narratives. The characters also had confusing names, Jenni and Jenna this gives the audience a hard time to follow and distinguish the two characters. It would have helped if the director had established the individual girls more firmly before moving back and forth in their threads.The directors should ensure that the lighting is sufficient to reveal the characters’ faces. This makes the movie more real and revealing.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

My Personal Development Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

My Personal Development Portfolio - Essay Example That being said, I still experienced some degree of cultural shock when first I arrived in the United Kingdom. For one thing, the legal system here operates with a higher degree of fairness, and the freedom of speech, too, is something, I admit, I had never experienced before. That being said, however, not all of my early experiences were pleasant. Russian being my primary language, I have no shame whatsoever admitting that learning the English language was rather difficult at first, though I’d like to think I have now been able to attain a certain degree of proficiency in it. Even so, I still intend to further improve in this endeavour. Last but not least, I aim to curb my issues regarding time management and procrastination. My Immediate Objectives My personal development plan places focus on rectifying my weaknesses. It has been my experience that among the weaknesses I mentioned, the most problematic is my still-developing prowess in the English language, not to mention my difficulties in time management and in public speaking. As early as now, then, I’d like to be able to get to address these problems early, so I can use my time later on to focus on more pressing concerns. In this case in particular, fixing my weaknesses will allow me to utilize my strengths to greater effect. For one, typing is a skill I want very much to improve on, but more importantly, I feel it necessary to further improve my command of the English language. Of course, I’m proud of the progress I’ve made on my own; so far, I’ve gotten by practicing with people I know. Formal classes may help me learn at an even faster rate, but if at all possible, I’d rather not have to spend more than I can reasonably afford to.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

PEST Analysis of Aviva PLC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

PEST Analysis of Aviva PLC - Essay Example Aviva Plc is the sixth largest insurance group in the entire world. It has a huge customer base of 44.5 million, and provides its clients with insurance products and various savings and investment schemes. The major part of the firm’s business comes from Europe where it is one of the pioneering life and general insurance companies. Aviva has developed an elaborate distribution network in the European market to serve over 18 million customers in the continent. The European Union is the world’s largest market for life insurance and pension products and Aviva Plc has harnessed this opportunity to gain a strong foothold over there. The company also happens to be the largest insurance provider in the United Kingdom (Aviva, 2011). Aviva specializes in providing life insurance, general insurance and various pension schemes to its customers. In Europe, it is a leading provider of various life insurance, general insurance and health insurance products. In recent years, the compa ny has rationalized its product offerings in this market and is attempting to merge all its business in the continent under a single head. In 2010, Aviva has identified significant opportunities in the European pension market. The 27 European Union countries including Russian and Turkey had an annual gap between pension and savings of about â‚ ¬ 2.4 trillion. ... Customers can purchase these products either directly from Aviva, from any of its corporate partners or from any of its intermediary firms. In 2010, Aviva’s life insurance and general insurance business reported a strong performance in the UK market. The sales of its life insurance products increased by 19 per cent from the previous year to ?11,846 million. This resulted in a record level of operating profits of about ? 850 million, which was 26 per cent higher than the corresponding 2009 figures. In the general insurance business, Aviva UK witnessed an increase in its sales during each succeeding quarter of 2010. The profits in this sector reported an annual increase of 8 per cent to â‚ ¬ 579 million. Aviva UK, also merged many of its life insurance and general insurance schemes together to provide the customers with innovative products during the year 2010. (Business Summary, 2011) The main share of revenues of Aviva plc is derived from its life and general insurance busi ness and its asset management services. The European Union especially UK comprises the world’s largest markets for life insurance and pension services. Aviva has harnessed this opportunity to emerge as the largest insurance company in UK and the second largest provider in Europe. The company has devised its insurance schemes in such a way so as to simultaneously cater to the interests of the customers and the firm itself. In 2010, UK’s insurance intermediary organizations voted Aviva as the region’s leading provider of life, general and health insurance policies. The firm has also directed its efforts in expanding its main business activities in the North American countries – USA and Canada. The firm has tried to leverage the advantages of