Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Polymer Organic Light Emitting Diode Materials and Techniques Essay

Polymer Organic Light Emitting Diode Materials and Techniques - Essay Example In the continuously improving and modernizing technological world, one technological discovery is making an important path and giving important contribution in the field of optics. In general, the semi-conducting light-emitting diodes, also referred to as LED, had found vital applications in different technologies through the industrial and modern world. A light-emitting diode can be defined as a semi-conducting diode, which is a form of electronic device that can be considered to maximize the flow of electricity that is flowing through the material and restricting its flow in the other direction such that energy is built up and causes the material to emit light energy. LED can be considered as the general type of diodes that consequently emit light energy. There are different forms of LED (Zheludev 189). A LED can be considered comparatively of more use that other light technology is that it is considered safer on the basis that the main application uses light energy emitting material. This can be attributed to the fact that other forms of light technology through the use of the flow of electric current can be considered more advantageous, often referred to as electroluminescence, which is the basic principle used in LED. Compared to the light technology that uses incandescence, which a process of achieving visible light through electromagnetic radiation (Schubert 1). Due to the said advantage of the technology referred to as LED, the application of the said technology can be considered to continuously increase and improve. In fact the application in technology and other sciences can be considered as widespread. It can be perceived through the different light technologies that are classified as LEDs such as infrared, visible-spectrum, ultraviolet, and white LEDs made from III-V semiconductors. POLED Included in the main types of LEDs is the polymer organic light-emitting diode, referred to as the POLED. The study on POLED can be considered as one of the main area of interest in terms of the types of LEDs. This can be attributed to the fact that the materials used as a semiconductor are organic materials that can conventionally be described for insulation. The application of organic materials for electric purposes can be considered as a relatively new technology since it was only initiated in 1977. The historical discovery of effect of halogen on the electrical conductivity of a polymer paved the way for the continuously growing field of discipline that involves POLEDs (Fung, Lee and Lee 181). Objective of the Study The background information regarding POLED can be considered as one of the reasons that generated the study and attention to the said area in optics. In relation to the increasing assimilated knowledge on the POLED as well as the application and utilization, the study was conducted to be able to present a descriptive and comprehensive presentation of the development of the POLED technology. On the basis of the aim for the public to gain understanding on the application of LED technology, the theory of application is also one of the most important part of the research. Also, the evolution of the POLED tech

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